Thursday, November 4, 2010

Gross Science at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences!!!!

Ever wonder why dogs sniff each other, why cows need four stomachs to digest their food or why cats spit up hair balls? Here's your chance to find out! Animal Grossology, a new special exhibit at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences in downtown Raleigh, takes a unique and scientific look at nature's slime-making, vomit-munching creatures.

Adapted from the best-selling Grossology childrens's book series by author and science teacher Sylvia Branzei, this exhibit is oozing with disgusting science and entertaining hands-on learning games such as Blood Sucker Blow-Up, where visitors see what happens when ticks and mosquitoes have too much to drink, and Chew Chew Express, a detailed look at the various steps of digestion in cows, one of the gassiest animals on Earth. Visitors will also learn how leeches are sometimes used after surgeries to assist in the healing process and why scientists are studing the slime produced by slugs and snails for clues in treating cystic fibrosis. Safety tips are dispersed throughout the exhibit, such as what to do if a jellyfish stings you and how to protect your food at the next family picnic. By the way, do you know what honey really is? How do you feel about bee barf on your biscuit?

The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences is the Southeast's largest natural history museum and it offers four floors of exhibits, live animals, a store and Acro Cafe. Highlights include the world's most complete Acrocanthosaurus dinosaur; Willo, the first dinosaur discovered with a foxxilized heart; a two-story waterfall; and the Living Conservatory bussing with hummingbirds and butterflies! The museum hosts spectacular new traveling exhibits every year. Hands-on programs daily. Best of all, admission is Free! Go check it out today :-)