Friday, March 4, 2011

North Carolina Zoo

Now that the weather is beginning to get warmer, it's the perfect time to visit the zoo!! The North Carolina Zoo is located in Asheboro, NC which is about an hour and a half outside of Raleigh. The zoo sits on 500 acres of land, has 5 miles of shaded pathways, and is home to more than 1,100 animals and 40,000 plants!!

Here are some tips from animal keepers to help you see the animals when you visit:
  • Some animals do not like the cold, so if it's below 45 degrees, some animals may not be out on exhibit.
  • Animals tend to be more active in the morning than in the afternoon.
  • The animals will not respond to calls, whistles or tapping on the glass. Your best bet is to remain quiet and watchful.
  • Some animals tend to stay in the back of their exhibit near the Zoo's closing. In large exhibits, animals might be harder to see at the end of the day.
  • Many animals use “camouflage techniques,” so be patient and look closely.

For information about feeding times for the animals you can visit:

Beginning in April, there will be some new additions to the zoo!! From April-October they'll have the new Giraffe Deck up and running where you'll be able to see eye-to-eye with the giraffes! Swamp Ghosts will be a special exhibit at the zoo from April-October also. Swamp Ghosts are white alligators and legend says to look in the eyes of white alligators for good luck. My recommendation would be to not get too close though!! ;)

Are your kids a fan of Dora the Explorer? Well from April 1st-Oct 31st you can see Dora and Diego's 4-D Adventure at the Asheboro Zoo! Shows are daily from 10am to 4pm.

Make sure to check out the special events that the zoo hosts:

For any more information regarding the Asheboro Zoo, please visit their website at

Have a great spring, and have a blast at the zoo!! :)